
Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques




Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

Geobiology is the study of the energies of a place and their influence on individuals. Think of it as energy healing applied to a building rather than a person. Historically, Celtic druids observed the circulation of cosmotelluric currents, which they likened to the wyvern (a kind of dragon).

The importance of telluric energies in construction

Cathedral builders positioned the center of the nave at the intersection of two underground watercourses. Aware of the existence of telluric energies and their influence on the environment, they knew how to harness them to channel a divine vibration filled with harmony.

Geobiology today: Western Feng-Shui

Today, this knowledge of natural energies is no longer reserved for a sacred elite. It is accessible to all, and aims to balance the energies of homes and offices. Comparable to Western Feng-shui, Geobiology adopts a scientific and empirical approach rather than relying solely on symbolic and cultural tradition.

Disturbances affecting the harmony of your home

Geological disturbances

Our ancestors built according to the emanations of geological energies. Today, it’s common to see houses built over underground streams or cavities. These phenomena emit waves that can physically affect the building, causing cracks or inexplicable dirt on the walls. Geobiology offers a wide range of techniques for neutralizing these harmful telluric energies.

Natural electromagnetic disturbances

The Earth possesses a variety of natural electromagnetic fields. Although generally harmless, an excessive concentration at one point can create a heavy atmosphere. These cosmotelluric networks can be charged with electromagnetic energies from GSM antennas, satellites or rural and urban pollution, subtly affecting our well-being.

Geobiology can’t stop these energetic irradiations, but it can protect your living space by compensating with positive energy, bringing greater harmony, well-being and serenity.

Technological electromagnetic interference

Technological progress has given rise to new forms of electromagnetic pollution. Every electronic device emits an electric field which, although generally not harmful, can affect the individual unconsciously. Excessive accumulation of electrical energy can slow down cell function and cause headaches.
Geobiology uses special stones, symbols or energy healings to protect the energy of the area from such interference.

Subtle pollution

There is also subtle energy pollution. You may feel this in a room where the atmosphere is weighed down by negative emotions or the presence of subtle entities. These entities, like cosmotelluric chimneys, can increase or decrease the energetic vibration of a place, similar to the earthly chakras. Energy vortexes, traces of a high spiritual vibration, also increase a person’s energetic vibration.
The geobiologist performs an energetic cleansing of the site, eliminating cosmotelluric chimneys from the home. Vortexes are immovable, but are often found in the centre of a church nave. Standing in them for twenty minutes or so purifies the energies, like an energy healing.

Towards greater awareness

There is a growing awareness of these energy perturbations. People interested in spirituality and well-being are already aware of the benefits of Geobiology. What’s more, many architects are taking up this discipline, concerned about the harmony emanating from a building as well as its structure. Sensitivity to electrical energy is also increasingly recognised.


I’m confident that soon, the vibratory dimension of a place will be taken into greater consideration. By integrating Geobiology into our lives, we can create healthier, more harmonious environments.
Would you like to improve the harmony of your home? Contact us for a geobiological analysis and find out how to balance the energies in your home.
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