Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques



Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

ealThere are many energy self-healing techniques. Reiki, magnetism, etc. A common misconception is that you have to go to a practitioner who will transmit the healing energy. While this may indeed be recommended for people who have never learned how to receive an energy healing, few people are aware that it is entirely possible to treat oneself.

Anyoner can make an energy self-healing

This point is extremely important: energy healing is not a gift. It’s a skill that needs to be trained in order to be strengthened and developed. Imagine going to the gym and training to develop and strengthen a muscle. It’s the same process, except that you strengthen your awareness. You learn to be more open to a vibration of love and harmony, bigger and better every day.

Being able to perform energetic self-healing is important for being able to make a healing for others.

Doing an energy healing for yourself means learning to open yourself up to a greater quality and quantity of love. The more open you are to this vibration of love, the more effective the healing for others. If you don’t know how to welcome a deep energy of love for yourself, you won’t be able to do it for someone else. Energy self-care then becomes a gentle way of doing spiritual work of liberation, of getting rid of energetic information we no longer need. If energy self-healing is practiced on a daily basis, it may be the quickest and most pleasant way to raise your vibration.

An excellent way to contact and welcome your feelings and your unconscious dimension.

Depending on the technique, you can enter a more or less profound meditative state. It then becomes possible to get in touch with the unconscious and listen to it with greater gentleness and less analysis. Through this more fluid feeling, we can better understand what’s going on in our own unconscious, and better unburden ourselves of what no longer suits us.

An easier form of meditation?

Traditional meditation suggests detaching from and observing one’s thoughts. Here, the process is to welcome the new feeling. For some people, this work is more fluid, more natural, because listening to feelings rather than detaching from them can avoid being overwhelmed by them.

Better concentration

Like all meditative practices, it enables you to focus your attention, to learn concentration. Not content with being a considerable advantage in everyday life, since concentration allows you to choose what you pay attention to, rather than having your attention caught up in an external phenomenon, it also calms your nervous system.

A restorative phenomenon for the brain

In the 1970s, it was observed that people with a consistent meditative practice had a more developed corpus callosum. This means that interactions between the two cerebral hemispheres are more fluid. You could say: consciousness management is better. For example, it’s easier to combine a creative approach with a logical one.

The focus is on a vibration of love

We hear more and more that the main cause of all illness and dis-ease is above all a lack of love. The person’s intention is to open up to a greater quantity and quality of love, provided by care. This means that, with practice and discipline, the brain will align itself with this love and assimilate it until this vibration becomes an integral part of us.

To conclude

Energetic self-healing is an excellent basis for the germination of spirituality. With time and practice, it nourishes our soul with harmony and love, and when this spirituality has grown sufficiently, its fragrance perfumes and soothes even the most wounded hearts. Ready to transform your life with energy self-care? Keep exploring our blog for more tips and techniques, follow us on our social networks for daily inspiration, or book a session online or face-to-face on our website. Take the first step towards a deeper connection with yourself and a vibration of well-being.