
Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques




Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

FRENCH – Speaking Trance Course – Advanced Level

This course is an extension of the speaking trance course – beginner. Unlike the previous course, which laid the foundations of what inspired trance is and how to enable the communication of a message from a non-physical entity, here we’ll be focusing more on the expression of Intelligence through the practitioner’s individuality. The psychology of the practitioner is a little-studied issue in trance practice. It plays an important role in facilitating or blocking the circulation of energy. Beliefs and preconceptions about trance are further explored, so as to get rid of any preconceived ideas that hold back the practitioner from achieving real mastery of this technique. This course offers a range of techniques and experiences to help you strengthen your connection with your Intelligence (spiritual guide) and see how the practitioner’s awareness can further facilitate this process. We go there but we develop the expansion / those who are physical. Go beyond Fully detach yourself from communication.

  • Deepening the trance state.
  • Strengthen the trust between you and your “spiritual guide”.
  • Fully detach yourself from communication.
  • To make a message from the spiritual world more fluid.

There are no prerequisites for this course, but training in energy self healing is an asset. 3 sessions of 3 hours.  

Dates 2025: APR 26 (APR 26, MAY 24, JUL 21) from 6pm to 9pm CET.

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FRENCH – Speaking Trance Course – Advanced Level