Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques



Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

Thérapie holistique à Louvain-la-Nueve

Find out more about my services

Explore the paths of

your transformation

and well-being.

Jim Richard


Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Energy healing focuses on the energetic dimension of an individual to rebalance subtle energies and bring about well-being, balance, and harmony. It addresses spiritual, mental, and physical aspects, working on limiting beliefs, various conditions (such as abdominal pain, back pain, headaches, joint pain), skin issues (eczema, burns), weight management, emotional disorders (depression, burnout, anxiety), hyperactivity, concentration difficulties, stress, fatigue, allergies (pollen, food), addictions (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, computer), severe illnesses (as a complement to medical treatment), life blockages and subtle energies (karmic issues, subtle presences, curses), as well as any other problems of unknown origin.

Mediumistic Contact

Mediumistic Contact

Mediumistic contact allows for the channelling of messages from deceased individuals. The medium acts as an intermediary, conveying messages of love, support, comfort, and sometimes guidance. These messages, always benevolent, are intended to bring peace and consolation. The client remains free and responsible for their choices and actions, never subjected to coercive communication. Each request for mediumistic contact is unique, but the primary goal is often to receive a message of love and peace from loved ones in the spiritual realm. Through these exchanges, clients find comfort and a spiritual connection with their departed loved ones.

Spiritual Assesment.

Spiritual Assesment.

Spiritual Assesment provides a spiritual assessment of an individual, whether related to the present moment or a specific question. I primarily use two tools: psychic reading, where I connect to the person’s energy to interpret the information contained in their aura, and channeling, which involves channelling messages inspired by a non-physical intelligence or spiritual guide. These messages offer possibilities to assist the individual in making their own choices, without ever imposing an opinion. Reasons for seeking guidance include professional or emotional blockages, personal needs, personal development, the search for meaning, and professional projects. The individual always remains free and responsible for their decisions and actions.

Individualized Spiritual Coaching

Individualized Spiritual Coaching

Individualized spiritual coaching takes place over a series of 6 sessions, providing a structured environment for long-term work. The topics covered include private lessons (energy healing through trance, spoken trance, mediumship, mediumistic trance), thought management, meditation, personal and spiritual development, as well as project realization. This program allows for a deeper exploration of these aspects to promote personal growth and inner harmony, offering personalized support tailored to the needs and goals of each individual. Through this coaching, you can develop your spiritual abilities, achieve your objectives, and enhance your overall well-being.



Geobiology aims to rebalance the energies within a building by assessing electromagnetic, telluric, and subtle energies to bring well-being and harmony to its inhabitants. A geobiologist may be consulted for various reasons: feelings of discomfort, a heavy or tense atmosphere, difficulty sleeping, space appropriation, unexplained damages, or pre-purchase evaluations. This practice applies to family homes, workplaces, construction sites, undeveloped land, and stores. By restoring energetic balance, geobiology promotes a healthy and harmonious environment, thereby enhancing the quality of life and well-being of the occupants.

In addition to services, I also offer training in :

  • Psychic reading - how to read someone's energies.
  • Energy self healing - how to perform energy self healing
  • Trance energy treatment - how to perform an energy treatment and how the trance state works.
  • Speaking trance - how to deliver a message from a non-physical consciousness in a mediumistic trance.
  • Mediumistic trance - how to deliver a message from a deceased person in trance.
  • Communicating with your spiritual guide
  • Active Mediumship – How to Be a Channel for the Deceased.
  • How to make a good spiritual assesment.
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