Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques



Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

FRENCH – Speaking trance course – beginner level

This course teaches you to be in a trance, in an altered state of consciousness, to allow a non-physical intelligence (spiritual guide, Love, source, etc.) to express itself directly, through the channelist. Trance is an altered state of consciousness, during which the person mentally withdraws. It allows energy to flow more directly. In “classic” channeling communication, the practitioner interprets the vibrations of non-physical consciousness using his or her own cognitive system. In a trance state, the opposite occurs: consciousness uses the practitioner’s cognitive structure to communicate advice and spiritual guidance directly. It is not a possession. The practitioner remains in control at all times. In this course, you will learn :

  • Put yourself correctly and comfortably into a trance state.
  • Become a good channel.
  • Calm your mind.
  • Build a bond of trust and love with the guide(s) with whom you are connected.
  • Allow a non-physical consciousness to express itself through you.
  • Highlight your own spiritual nature.

There are no prerequisites for this training, but training in energy self healing is an asset. 3 sessions of 3 hours. Dates 2025: APR 22 (APR 22, MAY 19, JUL 17) from 6pm to 9pm CET.

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FRENCH – Speaking trance course – beginner level