
Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques




Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve


Energy Healing

Energy Healing :

Improve Your Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual Well-Being


Energy healing aims to improve your well-being on physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual levels. It also helps you reconnect with your true essence. You can seek energy healing to address issues such as:

  • Limiting belief(s).
  • Pathological: stomach pain, back pain, headaches, joint pain...
  • Skin: eczema, burns...
  • Weight.
  • Emotional: depression, malaise, burn-out, anxiety...
  • Hyperactivity, concentration problems.
  • Fatigue.
  • Allergies: pollen, food...
  • An addiction: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, computer...
  • Serious illnesses (in conjunction with medical treatment).
  • A blockage encountered in life.
  • A subtle blockage: karmic, subtle presences, curses, etc.
  • Any other problem with an unknown cause.
physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being

How Does an Energy Healing Session Unfold?

Before the Session: Discussion and Intention

After a discussion where you share the intention of the session with me, I invite you to either lie down on the massage table or remain seated and relax. This step is essential to align the energy healing with your specific needs.

During the session: Connection and Energetic Circulation

For my part, I connect to an energetic Intelligence and enter a modified state of consciousness to allow for better circulation of the healing energy. During the process, the client may experience different sensations, or none at all. There is no wrong experience, and I invite you to embrace whatever arises.

I may occasionally speak during the modified state of consciousness. These are messages that will help facilitate the healing process and optimize the flow of energy.

After the session: Debriefing and reflection

Once the session is complete, I offer a debrief if the client deems it necessary. This step allows us to discuss any sensations and potential messages received during the session, providing a deeper understanding of the experience.

One Energy Healing Session Can Do It All

I encourage the client not to have any specific expectations regarding the session. The healing energy has its own intelligence and knows exactly where it needs to work for your well-being.

Note: Energy healing is preventive and does not in any way replace a medical prescription or recommendation. It is essential to always consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.

Information about the energy treatment session.

60-minute session

<p>Price :</p>
<p><strong>In-person </strong>: <strong>€110</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Online: €100 </strong>(via Zoom platform)</p>
<p><strong> </strong>Any session not canceled at least 3 days in advance is chargeable.</p>
Information about the energy treatment session.

30-minute session

<p>Price :</p>
<p><strong>In-person </strong>: <strong>65€</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Online: €60 </strong>(via Zoom platform)</p>
<p><strong> </strong>Any session not canceled at least 3 days in advance is chargeable.</p>