Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques



Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

ENGLISH – Webinar: Energy self-care

To be oneself, to live one’s life in completeness and happiness, are the desires that every person dreams of living. Being ourselves is the reason we came to live in this physical reality. But this self-expression has usually been buried by various limiting thoughts from our past. Some of these vibrations manifest as beliefs about what you think you should be, or feelings that you’re not good enough, which can rob you of your self-confidence, or worse, paralyzing doubts that you and your gifts don’t belong in the world. This webinar on energetic self-care will help you understand that limiting thoughts are simply negative patterns that you unconsciously repeat. These schemes are subject to change. Energy healing consists in calling up energy from Love or the Divine. It brings harmony and calm, and allows you to let go of limiting thoughts, to let who you are express yourself fully in this reality. As well as benefiting oneself, this practice lays the foundations for consciously applying energy care to others. This course offers :

  • discover your own potential.
  • become aware of negative unconscious habits and enable change.
  • to allow its own spiritual consciousness to manifest itself.
  • how the Love energy channel works for you.
  • take your first steps into the world of energy healing.

I don’t consider this training a prerequisite for trance care training, but it will prove an excellent asset.

This webinar will help you become more at ease during trance training.

Dates 2024: SEP 29 (SEP 29, OCT 27, NOV 24) from 6pm to 8:30pm CET.

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ENGLISH – Webinar: Energy self-care