
Find Harmony: Well-being and Clarity in Your Life and Your Home

Jim Richard - Soins Énérgetiques




Porte de Lauzelle Vallon, 1 – 1348, Louvain-la-Neuve


Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance:

For a More Balanced and Serene Life


Spiritual guidance is a service designed to help you find clarity and balance in your life. As an experienced practitioner, I offer personalized support to explore your deep questions, understand your challenges, and discover solutions aligned with your spiritual essence.

Spiritual guidance enables you to :

Clarify your life goals: Identify what’s really important to you.

Receive intuitive messages: Connect with your inner wisdom.

Overcoming obstacles: Find strategies to overcome personal and professional challenges.

Balance your energy: Harmonize your mind, body and soul for a more fulfilling life.

With an empathetic and intuitive approach, spiritual guidance helps you navigate life’s transitions with confidence and serenity.

There are many reasons for spiritual guidance:

  • Cause(s) of blockage: career, emotional, etc.
  • The person's need(s).
  • Questions relating to personal development, life path, search for meaning, etc.
  • Questions relating to a professional project.
  • Other.

I do not offer searches for lost objects or people, nor do I predict the future.

Similarly, the client is free to accept or decline what is said, and it is their responsibility to determine whether any actions should be taken following the consultation.

Spiritual advices

How can spiritual guidance help you?

my main tools

Psychic reading

Psychic reading, also known as aura reading, is a gentle and profound technique that reveals what is buried in your unconscious. By exploring your energetic bodies and soul, this first part of the session provides an overview without judgment or advice. I connect directly to your energy, allowing your deepest needs to surface, so we can understand your current situation and how to address it.


Channeling, or telepathic communication, is a method of connecting with higher vibrational beings such as spiritual guides, Ascended Masters, and guardian angels. As an intermediary, I receive spiritual messages to help you make informed decisions about your life choices, directions, and questions. This connection provides you with valuable answers and guidance to move forward with confidence.

It is important to emphasize that these techniques are subjective in nature. The interpretations I provide are not absolute truths. You are free to accept or reject what is said, always maintaining control and responsibility over your actions and decisions.

To facilitate spiritual communication, I can enter a mediumistic trance state. However, your comfort is my priority. If you prefer, I can remain fully conscious and alert while still providing the same level of guidance and support.

What is a mediumistic trance?

Spiritual channeling and mediumistic trance are powerful techniques of spiritual guidance that allow for receiving messages from spiritual guides and angels. In traditional channeling, the practitioner uses their consciousness to interpret these messages, providing a personal understanding of the advice received. Mediumistic trance, on the other hand, involves the practitioner entering an altered state of consciousness, enabling the spiritual intelligence to communicate directly with the client. This method of vibrational communication touches the heart before the intellect, offering a unique emotional depth and spiritual clarity. Rooted in trust and the practitioner’s complete control, these techniques enable a rewarding exploration of spiritual guidance, promoting better balance and a deeper understanding of oneself.


First and foremost, I ask the client to clarify the intention of the session to ensure that my spiritual guidance and psychic reading services meet their needs. The session is conducted as a verbal exchange. I begin with a psychic reading, and if this is well-received, I proceed to channeling by connecting with non-physical intelligence. If the first part does not go well, I do not proceed with channeling to ensure the client’s comfort. I do not work with children and instead offer energetic guidance to parents for such requests.

Please note: The messages received are primarily advisory. It is the client's responsibility to determine whether any actions should be taken following the session.

Information about the energy treatment session.

60-minute session

<p>Price :</p>
<p><strong>In-person </strong>: <strong>€110</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Online: €100 </strong>(via Zoom platform)</p>
<p><strong> </strong>Any session not canceled at least 3 days in advance is chargeable.</p>
Information about the energy treatment session.

30-minute session

<p>Price :</p>
<p><strong>In-person </strong>: <strong>65€</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Online: €60 </strong>(via Zoom platform)</p>
<p><strong> </strong>Any session not canceled at least 3 days in advance is chargeable.</p>